What clients have to say

Sarah H.


“My job is an all-encompassing one, and over the last few years I just felt completely overwhelmed and honestly I lost myself a bit. I was unhappy in my own skin and had no idea where to start to get healthy. Anna was an amazing guiding force for me, she gave me clear direction that was totally inspired by my own input, so I found it approachable and realistic. I saw an immediate impact on my energy levels and the way I felt. My bloating improved significantly and I managed to build in some really solid routines and habits to help me stay on track.”

Alicia W.

HR Manager

“My husband and I both knew we needed to overhaul our eating habits. Especially before we started a family. We both work long hours and have very little time to think about how to be healthy. We worked with Anna for 6 months. She gave us some really good guidance on how to get started and how to include more whole foods in our meals. We realised that preparation and planning played a big role in our success and enjoyed the time we spent together in the kitchen.”

Brit G.

IT Consultant

“I had tried every fad diet under the sun and they worked initially, but then, when I couldn’t maintain them, I regained all my weight and more. I had never worked with a health or nutrition coach before and didn’t know what to expect. Anna’s approach was subtle, at first I wasn’t sure how effective it would be, since she actually LET me eat bread and dairy, unlike my other restrictive attempts. But it was incredible how much impact her protocols had. Over the 6 months we worked together I lost 60lbs and managed to keep the weight off by identifying my main triggers. I couldn’t recommend her more”

Estelle S.

Community Project Leader

“I have always had a pretty distorted relationship with my body and with food. Anna was a great coach in that she reminded me that my body deserved to be respected. Instead of choosing foods determined by how I felt in my body that day, I started reaching for healthier options because I wanted to fuel my body well. That shift in mindset definitely gave me more freedom and joy around meal times. I can recognise that my body responds better to natural food choices in comparison to convenience and processed options, but I do allow myself to indulge in treats freely once in a while without the feeling of missing out. For the most part I’m so much happier in my body and my approach to nutrition.”

Taylor L.

Software Designer

“Working with Anna really gave me the tools I needed to not only lose a bit of weight but also plan healthy meals consistently going forward. She worked with me on my goals and it never felt stressful or intense - but I still saw results within a few months. I went to all our meetings with little questions about how this or that worked and I always left feeling well-informed and ready to tackle the next month. All in all it was the simplest and comfiest lifestyle change I've made, thanks coach <3

Hope to see you sometime soon :) lockdown won't last forever! .”

Accountant & Mom of 2

Tanya I.

“I loved my time working with Anna, she was always so kind and patient with me while still being that force of motivation I needed. I was drowning in motherhood and working from home. Lock down completely destroyed my routine and self discipline and Anna helped me reestablish a foundation of much needed self care and reflection. She helped me come up with meal ideas that were suitable for my whole family, so that I could just batch cook healthy options and everyone had a full belly. I learned how important it was to carve out my own time and to ask for help, which was a biggy for me. I was so happy to lose my baby weight in a sustainable way without losing my milk supply and having energy through the process. Thanks Anna”

Let’s work together to find your balance


Following the 80/20 rule centred around whole foods, you feel comfortable with

Supplementation & Testing

Exploring any potential deficiencies and filling the gaps with high-quality vitamins & pharmaceuticals

Activity, Movement & Rest

Being intentional about how you train and ensure that your find time to rest, recover and sleep adequately

Mental & Emotional Wellbeing

Stress Management and identifying where support structures are required

Let’s kickstart your nutrition framework

I’ll be with you every step of the way.